Rights and Responsibilities

  • Each patient has the right to receive the medical care within the framework of a health and social protection system that maintains the human dignity and respects the cultural, social and religious values of each patient.
  • Each patient has the right to obtain a medical report about his/her health condition. Such report includes the examinations and treatments as well as the proposed operations and their associated benefits, repercussions and risks, in addition to other possible solutions and expected results in case such operations did not take place.
  • It is proposed that the patient appoints in written a representative to be consulted in case the patient himself/herself was in a condition that prevents him/her from expressing his/her will and obtaining the necessary information to take the decision.
  • Except for emergencies and impossibility cases, no medical act or treatment may be carried out without the approval of the patient himself/herself or the person previously appointed.
  • Each patient has the right to refuse a certain medical act or treatment while bearing responsibility. Further, the physician has an obligation to respect such refusal after having informed the patient of its repercussions.
  • Each patient has the right of respect of his/her personal life and relevant information confidentiality.
  • Each patient has the right to know about the approximate costs of the medical act and treatment.
  • The information given to the insuring institutions are limited to the necessary information needed to control such costs. These information are given to their consultants physicians who are bound by the professional confidentiality.
  • On his first clinic visit and/or hospitalization, a medical file is opened for each patient. This file contains all the medical and administrative documents required to his examination and/or treatment.
  • Each patient has the right to receive visitors in accordance with the visits regulations at the hospital. (7:00 AM – 7:00 PM)
  • Except for the cases stipulated in the law, the patient has the right to leave the hospital contrarily to the physician’s consultation. Consequently, the patient shall be requested to sign a document entitled “leave contrarily to consultation” while neither the hospital nor the physicians in charge shall be responsible for any resulting damage.
  • In case of death of the patient, the rights-holders have the right to view the information included in his/her medical file as long as they are necessary to enable them to know the reasons of his/her death, and to defend his/her memory or confirm their rights, unless the patient had expressed his rejection in this regards prior to his death.

Since the hospital is an integrated whole that includes patients, physicians, employees and visitors, the following is expected from the patient:

  • The patient and his/her relatives and friends must show a decent and responsible behavior that respects the rights of other patients, physicians and employees at the hospital, while maintaining silence, abstain from smoking, regulating the number of visitors according to the hospital rules, and maintaining the properties of others and those of the hospital.
  • The patient shall adhere to the hospital’s rules and regulations.
  • The patient shall comply with the determined treatment and adhere to his appointments, otherwise the physician in charge must be notified. The patient is responsible for the medical consequences in case of refusal of the determined treatment or not abiding by the physician’s instructions.
  • The patient is responsible for settling financial obligations  as soon as possible.

P.S.: A box for complaints and proposals is placed in the first flood to receive all written complaints and proposals within a comprehensive confidentiality.